Million Benefits Of Lime Mask For Face And Hair Skin - Beauty Face


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Minggu, 03 September 2017

Million Benefits Of Lime Mask For Face And Hair Skin

The benefits of lime for beauty -   Lime is not only used for food supplements or as a cleanser of fat and fishy odors in kitchen appliances, such as cups, plates, spoons and other kitchen utensils. However, it can also be used as a powerful face mask in dealing with facial problems.

Based on research conducted by experts, lime has a vitamin C content is very high compared with other fruits. Vitamin C found in this lime can prevent various skin diseases that are dangerous, especially on sensitive facial skin.

In addition to its refreshing and slightly acidic taste, this body has many benefits that are beneficial to body health as well as beauty. Lime juice can also be used sebaga i mask to the face, that face looks clean of excess oil. As for the benefits of lime mask as complete as you can see the following explanation:   
4 Benefits of Lime Mask for Face Skin
Million Benefits of Lime Mask for Health and Beauty

Benefits of lime mask for facial skin

> Brighten the face

Not only reduce acne on the face, but lime can also brighten the face. For those of you who do not like cosmetics, lime is very suitable as a face care mask as cosmetic replacement. using lime as a mask will not cause side effects. The trick by slicing lime and split into two parts, then squeeze until the water out. Mix honey to taste. Before applying on face, clean your face first. Then apply the mask on the face evenly. Let stand a few moments until the jhasiat of lime and honey can be absorbed by the pores of the face with the maximum. Then wash with water. Also read: Benefits and how to create durian masks

> Tighten and brighten

Face with a toned texture certainly indicates the health of his skin is well preserved. In addition to increasing confidence, a strong face and bright blush will also be the center of attention of everyone who saw it. You can get a toned and bright facial skin by utilizing lime as your face mask. You just need to do it with the routine so that the results can be obtained with the maximum. Read also: Natural way to tighten facial skin

> Expel dull skin

A dull face will certainly interfere with your appearance and your confidence will be reduced. To overcome it all, lime is a fruit that suits you to use as a mask. In addition to brighten the skin, lime will help remove dirt and reduce excessive oil production and can overcome the dull facial skin. The trick is not complicated, you just need to squeeze the lemon and water skimming then wipe on the face, wait a while then wipe with cotton. This therapy you can do every day.

> Overcome acne

Acne appears due to excessive oil production and the presence of dirt that clogs in the pores of the face. The content of substances contained in lemon is very powerful treat acne. By using lime as a face mask, you will be able to get rid of acne degan quickly. The same way with the above explanation earlier. That is by slicing and splitting oranges menjitu two parts and wring out all the water. Then apply on face and let stand a few moments. Then rinse with clean water. It feels a little bit late afternoon. But besides it will be able to accelerate the elimination of acne. Also read: The natural way to get rid of acne overnight

> Makes skin youthful

 As we get older, our skin will become wrinkled, sagging will also look old, even in our teenage years we can look older than our age. This is because unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, alcohol, lack of rest or often stay up, lime can restore your skin to become young again. The trick is very easy that you wipe lemon juice on facial skin, then you stand for a few minutes and then you rinse thoroughly. Do this way regularly then your skin will become beautiful and youthful.

> Eliminating blackheads

In addition to beneficial to eliminate acne, lemon is also powerful to blackhead blackheads. How to remove blackheads with lime is very easy that you split the lime into 2 parts then you rub or rub on the skin that many komedonya at night, leave until the morning and then you clean with water until clean. You can use this way every day so that your blackheads quickly disappear. Also read: natural removal of blackheads

> Refreshing facial skin

A clean facial skin from acne and blackheads will make facial skin become fresh, well lemon mask will keep your facial skin freshness throughout the day. Your face will always be fresh with a lime mask.

> Lifting dead skin cells

Dead skin cells such as acne scars or scars can also be removed by using lime. Apply lemon juice on the facial skin, and do it regularly to get maximum results.

> Eliminate scars

Lime is also powerful to remove scars. As has been pointed out in the previous points if the lemon is able to remove dead skin cells from scars. You live smear lemon juice on the skin that there is a scar wound regularly, then the scar will disappear.

The benefits of lime for hair beauty

> Cleaning dandruff

Lime contains acidic substances that are able to clean the scalp, so the hair is free from dandruff. To clean the scalp of dandruff with lime is very easy. You apply lemon juice on your scalp while you massage and leave for 30 minutes to absorb, then after you clean it using shampoo as usual.

> Make hair shiny

In addition to eliminating dandruff from the scalp, acid content in lime is also able to make hair become shiny and beautiful. The trick is also the same that you apply juice lime juice on the scalp while massaged and let soak for approximately 30 minutes after that you wereh with shampoo.

> Prevent hair loss

For those of you who have problems with hair loss, maybe a lemon mask can handle it. This is because lime is able to prevent hair loss. The trick is very easy that you split the lime into 2 then you wrap your head with a towel and let stand for a night, just in the morning you clean with shampoo. Do this way a week 3 times to cope with hair loss.

> Enrich the hair and prevent baldness

In addition to preventing hair loss, lime can also make hair become fertile and prevent baldness. In this case you can mix it with egg yolks, you mix the two ingredients then you apply on the scalp while massaged and let stand for about 2 hours you just clean with shampoo. This method is very powerful to prevent baldness.

> Straighten hair naturally

Having a wavy hair is often made someone not confident. This is because the wavy hair is less attractive when viewed. Well you can use lime to straighten your wavy hair. The trick is very easy that you prepare the juice of 1 lemon, 2 cups of coconut milk and 2 spoons of coconut oil. Combine the three ingredients, then you boil and let it cool, you can use a herb. Use this ingredients until blended, let stand for an hour after that you wash with shampoo.

> Accelerate the process of hair lengthening

If you have one or two haircuts you do not need to be sad, you can grow your hair using lime. The trick is very easy ie you drops a few drops of lemon juice then you massage-massage to flat, let stand approximately 30 minutes of your new rinse thoroughly.
Thus the benefits of lime for the beauty of facial skin and hair . Good luck hopefully useful information above. Thanks.    

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