5 Benefits of Garlic for Face Skin - Beauty Face


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Minggu, 03 September 2017

5 Benefits of Garlic for Face Skin

Benefits of Garlic for Face Skin - Garlic  is a plant that has a binomial name Allium Sativum which belongs to the genus of Allium. This garlic has a variety of benefits that are good for the health of the body. Onion is usually used as a spice every food and cuisine in various parts of the world, especially the country of Indonesia.

Plants belonging to the family of these tubers have natural antibiotic properties in the human body. What makes garlic popular and selected as a spice in the world is because of the taste that can menyedapkan cuisine, also bwang this can prevent the occurrence of all kinds of cancer.

In addition to beneficial to the health of the body, garlic is also beneficial for health skin. Nutrients found in garlic can make your face clean, smooth, and healthy. There are also many benefits of garlic. Here are  5 benefits of garlic for facial skin:

5 Benefits of Garlic for Face Skin
Benefits of Garlic for Face Skin

1. Natural acne remedies

Garlic is not only as a seasoning flavor, but also can be used as a natural remedy that can overcome the problem of acne. Garlic contains antibacterial and antiviral which can reduce the inflammation of the skin, so that the skin becomes clean of acne that interfere.

The way of making it is not difficult, break the garlic cloves until smooth and become pasta. Once smooth and then apply on your skin evenly, or can be applied on the acne only. Wait a few moments then rinse with clean water. Do it regularly so that acne on facial skin can disappear. This garlic can also remove red rash on the face.

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2. Remove blackheads

Garlic can also remove blackheads. You can use garlic as a facial scrub to remove blackheads that arise on your facial skin. Onion is very effective in the process of removal of stubborn blackheads.
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How to use it, you simply rub the garlic on the face then while massaged-massage slowly, apply evenly on the face, wait a minute and then rinse with clean water. For maximum results, do it regularly and do not overdo it.

Also read:  The natural way to combat blackheads and how to prevent them

3. Smooth the skin

Components of organosulfur substances called allicin contained in garlic is able to smooth your facial skin and make the texture of the skin becomes soft. In addition, garlic can also remove strech-marks on the face that is difficult to remove.

How to use, mash the garlic until it becomes a paste, then mix it to your face mask. Apply on face, tunnggu a few moments, and rinse with clean water, then wash with towel use by pats gently.

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4. Prevent aging yourself

Many people are willing to spend a lot of money to get anti-aging products early. Unmitigated what he issued for treatment. Nahh .. Instead of your money wasted away, you better tube. Use garlic to overcome the problem of aging, in addition to natural also very effective. Components contained in garlic can eliminate the appearance of the face.

How to use it very easy. Mix a few drops of garlic water on your facial cleansing cream, do it regularly once a week. Look at the result, your skin will be free from wrinkles that make the face look old.

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5. Reduce scars and moles

If you have a scar on your face, because of an accident or because of acne, you should not be confused. You can eliminate it with garlic. Onions have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that can remove scars on your face. In addition, garlic can also remove moles yanng attached to the skin.

How to use it, you can apply directly the pieces of garlic to the skin of the wounded face and that has dried up. Do it this way over and over every day. slowly your scar or mole will disappear.

Read also:  Natural way and quickly remove scars

Thus the  benefits of garlic for facial skin  . Under the white that we know for just seasoning kitchen alone, it has many benefits for facial skin care. Hopefully infromasi above useful. Thanks.

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