Aloe Vera For Skin Mask - Beauty Face


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Minggu, 03 September 2017

Aloe Vera For Skin Mask

Plants that have the Latin name Aloe barbadensis Milleer or  aloe vera   is very beneficial for the health of the body, especially facial skin. Aloe vera has been found Thousands of years ago and used as a fertilizer of hair, wound healing, and skin care. This plant is very easy to find in mainland Africa.

Based on the research, aloe vera contains many za-substances such as enzymes, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, polysaccharides, and other components that are very beneficial to the health of the body. Aloe vera is also efficacious as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and can help the regeneration of skin cells, especially facial skin.   

Facial masks are many types, one of which is aloe vera. Aloe vera is a natural material that is very good and suitable to serve as a facial skin mask. Even aloe vera is one of the most commonly used natural ingredients as cosmetic beauty products. Because the benefits contained in aloe vera is felt. For more details, here's an explanation of some of the  benefits of aloe vera for facial skin:
Benefits of Aloe Vera Mask for Facial Skin

1. To get rid of acne

Aloe vera not only for the hair alone, this plant is also very effective to remove acne on your facial skin. How to apply it is not difficult and very simple. You simply prepare enough aloe vera and grab the gel, then rubbed on your facial skin contained acne. Let stand for about 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

2. Cleaning makeup

Aloe vera in addition to skin care can also be a makeup cleanser. When you find it difficult to clean up makeup, you can use aloe vera gel to clean it. The trick is easy, you just simply take aloe gel then use to clean up the makeup that is still left.

3. Brighten skin

You can use aloe vera as an ingredient for facial treatment such as brighten facial skin. The way you prepare aloe vera, a teaspoon of honey, milk, a pinch of turmeric, and a few drops of rose water. Combine these ingredients and make them like pasta. Then apply on your face and neck. Wait about 20 minutes. After that wash your face with warm water and dry with a clean towel. Do it regularly to get a glowing skin.

4. Moisturize dry skin

Dry skin will disrupt your activity due to discomfort. To overcome dry skin Use the following ingredients: Aloe vera, seedless dates, 2 spoon cheese, a little lemon juice and a few slices of cucumber. Combine all ingredients and puree using a blender. Then apply on your face and leave for 30 minutes then rinse with cold water. Therapy will overcome dry skin and make your skin look more moist.

5. Eliminate black spots

Black spots due to cosmetics and acne scars are difficult to remove. You can eliminate it indirectly by using aloe vera as a mask. The way you just take aloe vera gel that has been cleaned and then apply on face. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water. For maximum results use regularly 2x a day in the morning and evening.

6. Eliminate the tan

Tan is a very common face problem for people living in the tropics, and is very difficult to clean. You can try using aloe vera to clean it. You simply prepare aloe vera and lemon juice. Mix both and apply on your face. Wait 10 minutes then rinse with clean water.

Thus the benefits of aloe vera mask for facial skin. Beautiful need not be expensive, as long as we can utilize the materials that are around us, we can get beautiful skin without spending a lot of money. Hopefully the above information useful. Thanks.    

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