Natural Ways to Remove Acne In One Night - Beauty Face


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Minggu, 03 September 2017

Natural Ways to Remove Acne In One Night

Natural way of getting rid of acne - Acne becomes a serious problem almost everyone. Although it is a harmless disease, the presence of acne is very disturbing. Although only a small bump, but acne can ruin a person's appearance. Therefore nowadays a lot of emerging beauty products that can get rid of acne quickly.

Although many beauty products that can remove acne quickly, but still beauty products contain chemicals that tentunyan not good for the skin, therefore we recommend that we continue to use natural ways to get rid of acne.

To get rid of acne does require patience and extra diligence. Before we discuss about how to deal with acne, we must first identify what causes of acne that appear on our face. To know this you can read in the previous article is the cause of acne that you must know.

To eliminate acne is actually there are many ways, but the natural way is the best way as well as safe for our facial skin. Nahh following is a natural way to get rid of acne overnight.

1. Garlic

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Eliminate acne with garlic
Garlic that we know as a spice kitchen was very powerful to get rid of acne. Even a powerful sangking, garlic can eliminate acne in just one night only. I myself often use garlic to get rid of acne. For your own way is very easy that you mash garlic until soft then you paste on the skin acne, or you can also cut the garlic into thin, then you rub on the part of acne, though sometimes feels a bit sore, but this way is very effective in eliminating acne.

2. Lime

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Eliminate acne with lemon

Lime is also a fruit that has a lot of benefits for skin beauty. Lime contains citrid acid is a very good substance to move the dead skin cells cause acne. We can make lemon concoction mixed with rose water, the way that you mix the juice of lime juice with rose water then you apply on the skin of acne, let stand for approximately 10-15 minutes, then you wash using warm water. Keep your routine doing this way twice a week.

Also read: One million benefits of lime mask for facial and hair skin

3. Aloe vera

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Eliminate acne with aloe vera
Aloe vera is known as a plant that is very beneficial for hair health. But it was not just for the hair alone, aloe vera is also very beneficial for skin health and beauty. In this case, aloe vera can be used to overcome acne. For your own way is easy enough that you cut aloe vera into several parts, then you remove the skin and apply aloe vera on your pimply acne, do this way in the morning and afternoon, then the acne will quickly dry out.

4. Egg white

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
White egg mask

Egg whites have many benefits for the beauty of facial skin. Many women who use egg whites as facial skin care by making it as a face mask. In addition to making the face becomes taut, white, clean and beautiful natural, egg whites can also get rid of acne quickly. The trick is that you separate the egg whites first with the skin, then you whisk egg whites until foaming, apply the egg white on your face and let stand approximately 15 minutes or until the face feels stiff, then you wash with warm water. Egg whites will absorb acne-causing oils and until eventually the acne will disappear quickly.

Also read: Benefits and how to make egg white mask

5. Sea salt

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Cleans acne with sea salt

Sea salt also meruapakan natural ingredients that can be used to get rid of acne quickly. You can mix the sea salt with warm water, then you can use a cotton bud to apply it to the acne prone skin. You do not rinse it with water, leave it alone, because sea salt will kill bacteria and dry out acne.

Read also: Benefits of salt water for skin beauty

6. Using papaya

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Cleaning acne with papaya mask

Papaya contains a very good vitamin for the skin. But still rarely people who know if it turns papaya can be used to overcome acne. For his own way is very easy by blending papaya until soft, then you apply on face and let stand about 20 minutes. After that you wash with water until clean.

Also read: Benefits and how to make a papaya mask

7. Using Tomatoes

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Cleaning acne with a tomato mask

In addition to tomato can remove blackheads, tomatoes are also very powerful to remove acne. The trick is very easy that you thinly sliced ​​tomatoes then you stick on your face acne. You can also soften the tomatoes in a way in the blender, then use the tomato as a face mask. Do it this way regularly, then not only the acne is missing, but your face becomes clean pretty natural.

Also read: Benefits and how to make a tomato mask

8. Using honey

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne In One Night
Honey mask
Honey is very beneficial for the health of our body especially for skin beauty. Honey can be used as an acne remedy, especially acne stone. In addition, honey can also remove acne scars quickly by mixing it with egg whites. You mix the honey and egg whites with a dose of 1 to 1, you stir until well blended, then you apply on your facial skin. Let stand a few minutes until your new sink clean with water.

In addition to eliminating acne from the outside as we have mentioned above. You also need to do the treatment from the inside so that acne quickly disappear and do not come back again. Treatment from the inside of them ie

1. Drinking water

White water is very important for our lives, white water can help cleanse toxins in the body, other than that white water also helps the body's metabolism and most importantly in this case is water helps to regenerate skin cells. By multiplying water in addition to the body will be healthy, your skin will also be protected from the dirt-causing acne, and certainly the skin becomes moist and supple.

Also read: A million benefits of water for health and beauty

2. Eat fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins and water needed by the skin. Fruits and vegetables will help the body dissolve the bad fats, so that the excess fat content can be overpowering, thus the production of dikulitpun oil will be reduced and acne will not appear.

3. Stay away from fatty foods

Foods that contain lots of fat will make the body produce a lot of oil. It will affect the skin, with excess oil production on the skin will lead to clogged pores, consequently acne and blackheads will easily grow. Therefore you should avoid fatty foods.

Read also: The benefits and dangers of fatty foods for health

4. Avoid stress and getting enough sleep

Maybe not many people know if stress and lack of sleep cause acne. Therefore, in order for you to avoid the problem of acne skin, you should sleep enough, so that the metabolism in the body will be disordered and the pimple will fade.

Also read: Impact of stress on health and beauty

Such is the natural way to get rid of acne. Natural way is the best way, because it uses natural ingredients that are safe and not mixed with dangerous chemicals. I hope this information is helpful. Thanks.

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