Extraordinary Benefits Of Water For Health And Beauty - Beauty Face


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Minggu, 03 September 2017

Extraordinary Benefits Of Water For Health And Beauty

The benefits of water for skin health and beauty - Water is the source of life, with no human water, animals or plants unable to survive. Water itself is an essential ingredient for the effective functioning of our bodies. About 50% to 70% of our body consists of water, including skin, cells, tissues and all other organs. Drinking water is a vital deity for humans and other living beings. 

White water is a vital need of human life, shortage of water only, humans will be dehydrated. Dehydration itself will have a major impact on the working system of all our tubub organs. Lack of body water will become weak, the cells in the body will die, the skin will experience dryness and wrinkles are also other bad effects.

Knowing the importance of water for our bodies, therefore we are advised to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. Well talking about water, we will give an explanation of the benefits of water for health and beauty. Here are the benefits of water.
Extraordinary Benefits Of Water For Health And Beauty
Extraordinary Benefits Of Water For Health And Beauty

Benefits of water for health

1. Eliminate thirst and prevent dehydration

The main function of water in human life is to eliminate thirst and avoid the body from dehydration. Can we imagine the taste without water, our body will be weak and dehydrated. Water is therefore very important.

Read also: Dangers of dehydration and how to overcome them

2. Streamlining the digestive system

If the body fluid needs can be met, then the body will be protected from constipation due to fluid in the digestive process, but it can also help the absorption of nutrients that function to form the period of human waste.

3. Remove toxins

White water plays an important role in getting rid of toxins in the body. Can imagine how we can urinate and sweat if we do not drink water. Though both body mechanism is the process to eliminate toxins in the body. Therefore it is important for us to drink water to remove toxins from the body.

4. Maintain fluid balance in the body

As described above if our body consists of 50% to 70% water. Thus drinking enough water every day can maintain body fluid balance, water also helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate temperature, help digest food and so forth.

5. Increase energy

Apajamanya if our bodies lack of water, surely we will experience limp, especially when after the completion of sports. The body desperately needs water to restore freshness and energy. Muscles that kekutanga fluid can not work optimally so that the body feels tired and weak. So it is advisable for you to drink water after exercise to restore the energy that has been drained.

6. Maintain kidney health

The most popular kidney disease is kidney stone disease. The main cause of kidney stones itself is due to lack of fluids. We need to know, our kidneys process 200 liters of blood every day. But to do that, the kidneys need lots of fluids. With a minimum of 8 glasses of white water a day, will reduce the risk of kidney stones.

7. Improve the circulatory system

Water also helps in the circulation of blood throughout the body to transport oxygen and nutrients. Consuming enough water is helpful in transporting blood in the human body.

8. Controlling calories and lose weight

The relationship of calories to body weight is very close once, both versus the hunt where more and more calories, the more weight a person's weight. Well for those of you who have weight and caloric problems, you are advised to reproduce drinking water, water will make the stomach become full, other than that the white water will get rid of toxins from the body so the weight will quickly go down.

9. Increase productivity and focus

When your body is tired, the productivity and focus automatically decreases. Now by drinking water productivity will increase again and you can focus again.

10. Treating headaches

Headaches or migraines can also be over by drinking water. Headaches or migraines are caused because the body is dehydrated or lack of fluids, therefore white water is very important for those who experience headaches or migraines.

11. Fight various diseases

As we explained above if the water is able to remove toxins from the body. Thus water can fight against various types of diseases, especially skin diseases.

12. Treating fever

In addition to headaches, fever can also be over with a lot of drinking water. With lots of drinking water a person will often urinate, with it fever will also go down.

Read also: How to work quickly and reduce fever

13. Improve brain performance

The brain will work best if the fluid needed by the body and brain is met. Drinking enough water in addition will increase focus, will also increase brain konsenstras. So people will become easier in catching a lesson or remembering something.

14. Overcoming stress

Stress or bad mood can be overcome by drinking water. By drinking water, your mood will improve again.

15. Prevent heart disease

A study conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology, people who used to drink 5 or more glasses of water a day or more, a 41% decrease in risk due to heart disease.

16. Prevent cancer

Associated with the digestive system, some studies show that drinking enough water can prevent bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water can destroy the concentration of cancer-causing genes in the urine and can also shorten the time the virus in contact in the bladder lining.

The benefits of water for beauty

Water is not only beneficial for health. But water also has many benefits for beauty. Here are some benefits of water for beauty.

1. Moisturize the skin

If you want to have skin that is always moist and supple, of course you have to drink plenty of water. Water will prevent the skin from dehydration and keep the skin moist and supple. Moist and supple skin is healthy and beautiful skin.

2. Prevent premature aging

As explained above, drinking enough water will get rid of toxins from the body including from the skin. In addition, water will also keep the skin always moist. Thus water will prevent premature aging, prevent dry skin, and wrinkles. 

3. Helps regenerate skin cells

If you have dark dull skin because many dead skin cells like acne scars or spots, you can overcome it by drinking more water. Water will help to regenerate dead skin cells so that acne scars or dark spots will be lifted.

4. Smooth and brighten the skin

Which woman does not want to have soft and bright skin, of course all women want it. Well to get the skin soft and bright, you do not need to have to spend a lot of cost, you just drink enough water alone. Water will moisturize the skin so the skin will become smooth and supple. White water can also remove dead skin cells, disguise black spots and remove acne scars, so the skin will be bright and beautiful natural.

5. Overcoming dry, dull and oily skin

Dry, dull and oily skin is the main cause of various skin problems such as the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, acne, and so forth. But you can overcome it all by drinking more water. Dry, dull and oily skin is caused by lack of fluid or dehydration. Jadin multiply drinking water to overcome it.

6. Moisturize the lips

Dry, cracked lips are a serious problem because besides being uncomfortable can also destroy appearance. Well dry lips and cracked due to the body's body dehydration. Therefore, you need to drink water 8 glasses of water a day.

Such is the extraordinary benefit of water for health and beauty. Water uputih is a very important source of life. At least we have to drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep it fresh and the organs work optimally. Hopefully the above information useful. Thanks.

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