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Sabtu, 02 September 2017


How To Darken Hair
Not only parents are worried about how to blacken their already white hair, yet many young people are disturbed by the breakdown of their hair so that the color turns reddish. As we know, the color of black hair is typical of Asians in which the color is a sign that the hair is in a healthy condition. That's why here we can peek some natural way to be shared this time.

1. Black Tea

black tea
Whatever the problem faced hair, whether it is because of the growth of gray or redness due to damaged hair, black tea is a natural solution that can be considered. Hair care with this material is quite simple; just to brew black tea and soak the hair into the tea liquid, finished already. Wait until the tea is cold to dip and soak the hair. Next, set aside some time before it can be rinsed with water at bath time.

2. Papaya Seeds

papaya seeds
When we eat papaya fruit, of course we will dispose of seeds. Though there is good to be gained from papaya seeds as one way to black hair naturally and sparkling. How to treat hair with this material is not difficult, just by roasting papaya seeds and pound it until really soft and add coconut oil and mix it until smooth, the concoction is so. The ingredients can then be applied to the surface of the hair thoroughly and leave about 2 hours before cleaning by rinsing.

3. Oil Pecan

pecan oil
Pecan is indeed part of the kitchen spice and is the ingredient for cooking. But candlenuts have more benefits than just flavorings. Wax oil is very useful in making hair black and healthy. Because there are good substances in it that nutritious make hair growth becomes faster, this material can be utilized also by people who have problems of hair loss . The hazelnut oil is very easy to obtain and can be tried as a way to discolor gray hair just by rubbing it all over the hair regularly.

4. Shoe Flower Oil

hibiscus oil
One more oil with good content for reddish hair, fall out and dull, the hibiscus oil is very easy to make herbs. We only need to prepare 5 hibiscus and pound it until smooth, then pour honey to taste enough to hibiscus. After mixing evenly, apply to hair until smooth and wait a few minutes for the nutrients well absorbed into the hair. Lastly, get rid or just rinse with water.

5. Olive Oil

olive oil
Another very good oil to make natural black hair and awake health is olive oil. This is how to blacken the hair naturally and permanently without the slightest harmful chemicals. The trick is practical because just enough olive oil to apply to the entire hair, silence for a while, then use clean water to rinse. Doing it regularly alias every day will give extraordinary results.

6. Mango

Mango is not just a fresh and sweet fruit to eat, but mango will also make the hair dull and redness become more black and remove the luster. The trick is very simple, just prepare a mango (which is still raw) that has been separated from the seeds. Take also the leaves of mango and both (fruit and leaves) can be directly ground until smooth. Pour the coconut oil to taste and mix it evenly before it is applied to the entire surface of the hair. Wait until 1-2 hours before hair trimming.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera
Aloe vera or also known by the name of aloe vera is not only able to stimulate hair growth, but also useful in making black hair, radiant and healthy always. Mucus or gel can be taken and smeared into the hair until thorough, let stand for a few minutes or at least half an hour for the nutrients to be absorbed perfectly. Only then can hair be rinsed.
Actually very easy to maintain healthy hair. With the natural ingredients above we can get the black hair we want with ease. For shiny black hair, please try one or several of the ways blacken the hair.

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