13 Tips on Healthy Living Ala Rasulullah - Beauty Face


We Have To Live With Healthy Life Everyday. Because In A Healthy life, There Is A Strong Soul

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Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

13 Tips on Healthy Living Ala Rasulullah

Rasulullah SAW was created by Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala as an example and role model for mankind of all nature. Rasulullah SAW has various perfection, among which is his honesty even recognized by his enemies though. In addition to honesty, he also has the nature, behavior and good words.
His services are numerous for mankind, one of which is the abolition of a system of slavery, even an American writer named Michael H. Hart put Rasulullah SAW in the first position in his book, 100 Most Influential People in the world.
One of the teachings of Rasulullah SAW is a healthy lifestyle. Rasulullah SAW only ever sick as much as 2 times in his life, that is when poisoned by a Jewish woman and when towards the end of his life.
Once Medina came a doctor sent by the Roman Emperor. The doctor was confused because it was hard to find a patient in Medina. Then the doctor asked the Prophet Muhammad about the secrets of the rare Muslims.
For some people, healthy is something expensive. Some people spend some of their money on therapy, diet, buying expensive supplements etc. all of which aim to get a healthy body.
Not a few of the elderly who spend his pension to seek treatment to the hospital.
So difficult to maintain health?
Of course maintaining health is not difficult, Rasulullah SAW as an example has given the example of a healthy life, this is in accordance with the word of God:
Surely it is in the Messenger of Allah that is a good example for you (that is) for those who hope (grace) of Allah and (coming) the Day of Resurrection and he many mention Allah. (Al-Ahzab 33:21)
Just follow the lifestyle of Rasulullah SAW, God willing you will be protected from various diseases.
Here is the healthy lifestyle of Rasulullah SAW:

1. Eat Halal & Good Food

healthy living ala Rasulullah - healthy eating
via: pexels.com

Rasulullah SAW only eat halal and good food, such as: Fresh sea fish, fruits (tin, olives, dates, grapes, pomegranate), honey, meat, milk and grains (wheat). 
Rasulullah SAW said:
Eat olive oil and oily with it. He is from a blessed tree. "(Narrated by Mahmoud ibn Ghailan, from Abu Ahmad az Zubair, and also narrated by Abu Nu'aim, both received from Sufyan, from'Abdullah bin 'Isa, from a man of scribes named Atha ', sourced from Abi Usaid ra)
In the morning, Rasulullah SAW breakfast with a glass of water mixed by a spoonful of native honey. In addition to maintaining endurance, honey can also be a cure for various diseases. Judging from the science of health, honey can clean the stomach, cure constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammation and activate the intestines.
healthy living ala Rasulullah - eat healthy dates
via: pexels.com
The most favored drink of the Messenger of Allah is a cold sweet drink. "(Narrated by Ibn Abi` Umar, from Sufyan, from Ma'mar, from Zuhairi, from `Urwah, sourced from` Aisha ra)
Entering the time dhuha, Rasulullah SAW will consume seven items of dates ajwa '(mature). In addition to healthy, dates can also neutralize toxins.
Rasulullah SAW said:
"Whoever eats seven dates of dates, it will be protected from poison"
This is evidenced when a Jewish woman tried to kill the Prophet Muhammad by poisoning his food at the Khaibar war.
The poison can be neutralized by the substances contained in the date palm, but one of the friends named Bisyir mother al Barra died because of the poison tesebut.
At night, the Messenger of Allah used to eat vegetables. Vegetables have a content that can increase endurance and body health. Vegetables also contain fiber that can digestion.
After dinner, Rasulullah will do some activity first. This serves to ease food when digested by the stomach. Activities performed by the Prophet is usually a prayer.

2. No Exaggeration

healthy living ala Rasulullah - not excessive
Via: pixabay.com

Do not consume excessive food, Rasulullah mencotohkan by eating before hunger and stop before full.

3. Obedient To The Commandments Of God

healthy living ala Rasulullah - obedient to Allah
via: standup4islam

Point number 3 is closely related to point number 1. Rasulullah SAW always read prayers before eating and avoid bad food.
Bad food does not mean coming from a haram like pigs and dogs. Bad food can come from halal food types, such as slaughtered livestock not by mentioning the name of Allah, then the meat of livestock shed for other than Allah (offering to the jinn).

4. Sleep Faster And Build Early

healthy living ala Rasulullah - get up early
Via: unsplash.com

Rasulullah SAW not advise his people to stay up. Therefore, he did not like to eat and talk after the time Isya.
If it is time to sleep, then Rasulullah SAW will immediately sleep. Appropriate sleep is after Isha, approximately at 21.30, and should wake up at 1/3 night around 3 o'clock for night prayer.
That way the time spent to sleep in a day less than 8 hours. In the 24 hours division for 1 day and 1 night, 1/3 to work, 1/3 to worship God and 1/3 again to get enough sleep. Of course, this time division is not rigid, but flexibly tailored to the needs.

5. Regular exercise

healthy living ala Rasulullah - swimming
Via: unsplash.com

Rasulullah SAW is a figure who likes to exercise, he did not hesitate to bring his wife Aisha RA and also encourage children to be trained archery, horseback riding and swimming. 
Rasulullah also perform various types of sports and he is famous as a champion wrestling. This shows that his body is not only healthy, but also strong. He also once raced to run and shoot. 

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: "Know that the force is the archery, he uttered it three times." (Muslim. In another hadith also explained: "You must learn to shoot, because the archery is as good as your game." (HR Bazzar and Thabrani).

6. Diligent Fasting

healthy living ala Rasulullah - fasting
via: aletheia.org

Compulsory fasting / sunna is a fasting fast without self-destruction. It is recommended to eat and hasten to break the fast with water and dates.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون
"O you who believe, are required of you fasting as prescribed for those before you so that you may be cautious" (Surat al-Baqarah: 183)
Fasting can treat various diseases such as:
  1. High blood pressure
  2. Diabetes
  3. Asthma and respiratory tract
  4. Heart and hardening of the arteries
  5. Liver disease
  6. Skin disease
  7. Lung disease
  8. Prevent cancer
In medicine, fasting is also considered the most powerful weapon.

7. Cleaning Teeth

healthy living ala Rasulullah - siwak
via: wikihow

Rasulullah SAW very attention to dental health and clean it by using siwak (root of salvadora persica tree)). The recommended time is before the prayer, before bedtime and when you wake up.

8. Prayerful Prayer

healthy living ala Rasulullah - solat
via: wikihow

Rasulullah SAW always establish prayers at the beginning of time and congregation plus prayers unnah. Worship is mandatory for all believers even in sickness. This worship can maintain the health of SOUL and RAGA.

9. Black Seed

healthy living ala Rasulullah - habbatus
via: theluckystore

In addition to the "lifestyle" Rasulullah SAW is fully healthy, he also recommends to regularly consume herbs, including Black Seed (black cumin), dates, honey and berbekam if sick.

10. Not Grumpy

healthy living ala Rasulullah - Sabar
via: pixabay

Prophet gave advice "Do not be angry", this advice repeated until 3 times. This shows that anger brings bad effects to health. Angry people are proven to often experience pain such as high blood pressure, indigestion, headache, heart disease and depression.

11. Maintain Cleanliness

healthy living ala Rasulullah - shaving
Via: pixabay.com

Rasulullah SAW always looks clean and neat. Every Thursday or Friday, he bersiwak, wear fragrant oil, shave the hair on the cheek and cut nails.

12. Socialize

healthy living ala Rasulullah - friendly
via: pexels

A study from the Harvard School of Public Health shows that men over the age of 70 who are sociable are less likely to develop heart disease.
This is exemplified by Rasulullah SAW, he has many friends and always stay in touch with his relatives.

13. Gripping

healthy living ala Rasulullah - cupping

Rasulullah SAW said:
"Healing can be obtained in three ways: first by drinking honey (with herbal medicine), second with berbekam / hijamah, and third with (therapy) hot iron. And I'm not advocating my people to do medicine with hot iron. "(Narrated by Bukhori)
Of course "berbekam" with a routine can increase endurance and avoid the body from various diseases.
It turns out that a healthy life is not difficult, you do not need to spend a lot of money for treatment or buying vitamins. Just follow Sunnah Rasulullah SAW then Insha Allah your life will be healthy physically and spiritually.

Are You Ready To Live Healthy Like Rasulullah?

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